When you think of the
Happiest Place on Earth, your first thought probably doesn't land on the
parking lot, and to be honest- mine doesn't either. I spent six months driving
trams, directing traffic, and parking cars. Real magical, right? As long as
we're being honest, I'll admit that I pretty much hated the parking lot when I
first started. I mean seriously, how was I supposed to have any kind of
positive guest interaction when I'm busy making sure I don't get run over by
cars or preventing people from running straight into the tram lane? Some of my
time there was stained by the rude and entitled nature of the people I come
into contact with, but let me clarify: I may have experienced the anger and
frustration more often than not, but there are at least five moments between me
and a guest that I can look back on that made my entire program worth it.
Thanks to amazing co-workers and a group of other college program peers that
meshed well from the start, I look back on that time joyful for the
opportunity. I'd never change that I accepted the offer to spend a semester at
Disney and I'll never regret the experience. These are in no particular order,
but just as they came to me when I made my original list. Every moment will be
cherished and kept dear forever. So, without further ado, my Top Five Guest
1. 1. As
part of my spiel, I was allowed add in a few jokes or lines of my own, so at
the very end as guests were exiting my tram I would say something along the
lines of, “We hope you have a good night, and a great big beautiful tomorrow!”
(Do you recognize which ride that's in homage to?) One of my last nights, I was
making the rounds on the Heroes side of the parking lot and we had reached our
last stop at Mulan and Rapunzel. There were about 50 guests on board or so,
with one of my last rows being occupied by a large family. As we approached our
stop, I was delivering the end of my spiel saying something like, “Alright
everyone, Mulan will be to your right and Rapunzel to my driver’s left. Thank
you again for being our guest today, we hope you have a great rest of your
night! Drive carefully, and we’ll see ya real soon!” As soon as I had said the
last sentence, a little boy, no older than 7 or 8 who belonged with the family
in the last car stood up and shouted, “Hey! That’s Mickey’s line!” His whole
family began to chuckle, and I was surprised that he was so quick witted about
it. So I said to him, “Oh man, you’re right! But you know what? Mickey is my
boss and I asked special permission if I could use it just this once!” to which
the young boy said, “REALLY? Mickey is your boss??” I was able to spend just a
moment more saying goodnight to them, but having the young boy get so excited
that Mickey was my boss was absolutely adorable. As I’m writing this, I’m
reminded of another time that another young boy and his family sat in the very
back row of the last car, nearest to me while I was spieling. I was asking him
and his sister about their day, what they enjoyed the most, and if they would
ever come back to visit. The young boy pipes up at this point and says, “Oh
yeah! When I get old enough I want to work here! I want to drive the trams just
like you! And we live in Orlando so I’ll be really close to home!” The
excitement and innocence in the boy’s response was so encouraging to me. At
least one kid thought I was cool!
2. 2. One
of the positions in the lot was something called Jack’s Point. At the end of
the night, when everyone is exiting, the person at Jack’s Point is in charge of
making sure that everyone walks around the tram lane instead of through it, for
their safety and our efficiency. At this post, you get to carry a light wand,
something that to a kid, looks very similar to a light saber! So I was at
Jack’s Point one night directing traffic and giving directions, when a young
boy carrying a large light up lightsaber toy walked past with his father and I
overheard him say, “Why does she have a lightsaber too?” I didn’t hear his
dad’s answer, but I jumped in and asked if the boy would like to have a duel.
He of course was incredibly excited, so we circled each other and play fought
with our "swords." He of course, eventually won and I fell to my
knees. The look on his face alone was more than enough to make my week, but to
see his parents smiling too was heartwarming. Knowing that I had supplied one
last magical moment for that family was the highlight of my night.
3. 3. By
far the funniest guest interaction I had was in the parking lot. It was late in
the day, probably 6:30 or so, and we were parking Mulan. I imagine this had to
be around March because I remember it being very busy and we were parking on
the Heroes side, which doesn’t happen often late in the day. Each “row” in the
parking lot can hold two rows of cars, one right behind the other. We call
these the single, first row, and the double, the second. I was walking down the
line, parking the single and if I recall correctly I had just had a guest
nearly clip me with their car, so I wasn’t in a fantastic mood. Suddenly, this
car pulls into the space I’m parking with the windows rolled up, but the music
is blaring. I’m getting a kick out it because the man in the
front seat wasn’t having any of it, while the ladies in the car were having a
blast. There was a lull in traffic, so I was able to stand there for a minute
and hear what song was playing: Adele’s Hello. Of course I started
singing along, and at some point I made eye contact with the driver. She
immediately rolled down the windows to the car, cranked the stereo even louder,
and we sang- very passionately, I must say- the rest of the song to each other.
Guests passing me on their way to board the next tram were laughing, I was
trying to keep it together myself, and when the song was over, the entire car
erupted into applause as well as one of my coworkers who saw the whole thing. I
couldn’t stop grinning from ear to ear, and it made my entire night. This
moment in particular sticks out to me because this is the first time that
happened to me when I can recall thinking, “This is why I’m here. This is what
makes this job worth the frustration.” I still laugh every time I imagine this
4. 4. I’ve
mentioned before that the parking lot is a tough place to be. You have to have
thick skin and you have to be willing to go without recognition. I had gone my
entire program feeling pretty good about the spiel I had developed over the
course of six months, but on my second to last night ever on a
tram, I was given some feedback about it. We had just finished dropping off the
last of the guests on the Heroes side of the lot, and the family that had been
in the last car with me made a point to come back and say to me, “Thank you so
much for that! We have been coming here for several years and we have ridden
many trams, but that was the best spiel we have ever heard! You did an amazing
job!” Guys, I’m not kidding when I say that I almost broke down in tears right
then and there. Even writing about it now makes me a little emotional. To go
through my day, hoping that some of the guest’s appreciated my jokes and that I
was making their day just a little brighter one last time was always my goal,
but to have someone come up to me and tell me specifically that I had made
their night was humbling. As long as we’re talking about being appreciated,
I’ll mention the little notes I received. It has come to my attention that some
guests who frequent the parks write notes or put little goodie bags together
for cast members as a way to show their appreciation. I had been working in the
lot for about 2 months when I received my first note- a young boy, no older
than 5 approached me on the back of the tram and said “Excuse me! Excuse me!
Here!” and handed me a small piece of paper. On the inside a handwritten note
said, “CM, Thank you for all of your hard work! -Caleb & Ava.” Roughly a
month later I received another note while I was in the load zone boarding
guests. This one had a similar message, but it wasn’t until I got home that I
realized the two notes were from the same family, both signed “Caleb & Ava.”
By the end of my program, I had collected three notes from this family, and
their actions alone gave me hope that we were doing something right.
5. 5. I
guess I did save the best for last, because this memory sticks out to me as a
time where not only the universe was looking out for me, but I was able to
truly make someone’s day better. It was mid-afternoon, around 4 or so, and I
was taking a round of guests out to the Heroes side of the parking lot. When
it’s not very busy, you end up sitting for a while in the load zone, and
sometimes you have to leave guests behind in order to keep the trams moving
efficiently. That exact scenario happened to me, and despite explaining that I
had to move out of the way of the next tram, the guest was not happy that they
could not board mine. As we pulled away, they shouted after me, and for
whatever reason, it got to me in that moment. I felt defeated and frustrated,
as I was only trying to do my job as I was taught. I held back tears and got
through my spiel with much less enthusiasm than usual. As we rounded back up to
the load zone, I thought to myself, “It sure would be nice to just have a happy
moment today.” As soon as we stopped, a family boarded and sat in the very last
row of my car, once again, in the spot closest to me. I engaged with the young
girl, since she was wearing a birthday button and I swear she barely let me get
a word in edgewise. She was so excited to tell me all about her day, the things
she had done, and her little brother “Judie-Patootie.” I learned from her
parents that they were leaving Disney, and were headed back to Georgia that
day. They had taken Anna-Grace to Disney as a special trip for just her and her
parents, but, “Next year we’ll bring Judie with us too!” I was so overwhelmed
with happiness to see this little girl so excited about her trip, she clearly
had had the best day of her life with us, and I decided to make it just a
little bit better. As we approached our second stop, I spoke into the
microphone and made an announcement telling the tram that we had a very special
princess on board and that it was her birthday. I was able to get the whole
tram, on the count of three to say, “Happy Birthday, Anna-Grace” just as we
pulled up to their stop. The excitement on her face and the thankful smiles I
got from her parents not only made my day and my week, but every time I was
down or frustrated with something at work, all I had to do was imagine that
moment of pure magic that I gave them, and I felt 100 times better. I hope that
little girl still talks about her trip to Disney and I hope her parents will
tell her about the Tram Lady who had everyone say happy birthday to her. Even
if they don’t, I know for a fact that I made a difference on that one day,
and that’s enough for me.
There were smaller moments
in between, and even some on my days off that made me smile or laugh, but these
were the big ones. The memories that still trigger a big grin and warm fuzzy
feelings that let me know I made someone’s vacation just a little better, and a
little more magical. If I can provide that, then I know I’ve made Walt proud,
and that makes me feel honored to have been a cast member.
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